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Vinicius Flores

Nascido em 1984 em Porto Alegre, RS. Autodidata, com dez anos já pintava e desenhava. Em 2003 começa a trabalhar com tatuagem e em 2006 abandona o curso de Filosofia. Em 2010 inicia seu trabalho de xilogravuras e no ano seguinte começa a trabalhar com litogravuras e gravuras em metal. Desde então vem participando de coletivas variadas.

Born in 1984 in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. Self-taught, at the age of ten he was already painting and drawing. In 2003 he started working with tattooing and in 2006 he abandoned the Philosophy course. In 2010 he started his woodcut work and in the following year he started working with lithographs and metal engravings. Since then, he has been participating in various collectives.

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